Situated in a prominent position close to the junction of the A23 (Purley Way) A235 and A22 with regular bus/rail services and an extensive shopping area. Good access to the M25 and to Gatwick and Heathrow Airports.
609 sq.ft. consisting of one large open-plan office and one small office on the second floor. Centrally heated, decorated and carpeted, with own kitchen facilities.
2 parking spaces.
Rental: £ 7200.00 per annum
Estimated charges per annum:
Service charge 5% rent£ 360.00
Insurance£ 538.08
Water/waste water£ 173.52
Cleaning & Waste disposal£ 597.82
Gas C/H approx.£ 490.00
The property is registered for VAT and available on either a 12 months' licence, 3 year lease or a 6 year lease with 3 year rent reviews. In the case of a lease then, as is usual practice, the tenant to pay all the landlord's legal fees, a 12 months licence is prepared free of charge.
The various charges i.e rates, heating, water, waste water, insurance, upkeep of common area, etc. will be apportioned on the basis of area, with electricity on own metered supply. One months rent & charges are held as a returnable deposit with rent & charges being paid monthly in advance.
Our agency will not progress an application until the holding deposit has been paid and an application form is completed and returned by the applicant(s). To avoid unnecessary delays, it’s important that you return your application form(s) within 48 hours.
The holding deposit is the equivalent of one week’s rent, which once paid, is offset against the total balance due.
A tenancy cannot be completed until the agreed first month’s rent and bond are paid in full. On occasions, the Landlord may request a guarantor in order to offer a tenancy subject to referencing. The holding deposit is non-refundable should following referencing, it is discovered that key material facts have been omitted or prove false which then leads to the Landlord declining your application.
By paying the holding deposit, the property you have reserved will be taken off the market and all future viewings cancelled, and it is therefore deemed fair that the tenant will receive no refund should they later decide not to take up the tenancy or fail to move in on the agreed proposed check in date.
If the Landlord decides against proceeding with the tenancy, the tenant will receive a full refund of all monies paid.
Our helpful team are on hand to answer any queries and concerns you may have.